28 Sep

In default Magento 2, the stock is overseen in light of the orders set. For instance, the stock reductions from 1 to 0 when a client submits the request. Notwithstanding, imagine a scenario where that request was a test request. Or on the other hand, assuming that the client picked Money down technique and the installment was not caught because of certain reasons!

In such situations, the retail facade shows unavailable which isn't true as a general rule. Because of disappointment in installment handling, the request was dropped. Subsequently, the item was not unavailable. In the event that some other guest is keen on that item, your store could lose a deal because of this contention!The arrangement is to deal with the stock when a receipt is created rather than the request set. Regardless, that is on the grounds that the receipt is just produced once the installment is affirmed.

The automatic answer for decrease stock inventory on Invoice instead of Order in Magento 2 is given here. For more visit us : https://meetanshi.com/blog/decrease-magento-2-stock-inventory-on-invoice-instead-of-order/

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